Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Farnaz featured I n Nation's Restaurant News, May 2009: Exploring the Rewards of Risk

Farnaz explains, “I don’t know if you can drive bottom line without taking risks. And I think it’s the difference between leading from the front end versus leading from the back end. We need to do both, and I think one goes with the other. I have yet to see a company that can grow without taking risks or grow the bottom line without taking risks.”

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: June 2008: Food Prices: A Local Look: Restaurants Caught In Vise

Farnaz Wallace was interviewed by Joe Guy Collier for his article, Food Prices: A Local Look: Restaurants Caught In Vise, in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Joe shared how restaurants are being hit hard by the economy. Farnaz explained that Church’s Chicken sales rise during the downturn, but it’s required careful adjustments to pricing and promotions strategy.

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