Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

6 easy tips to remember…

  1. Value should really be defined as the ability to exceed the needs and expectations of your changing customers….penetrating the built-in resistance to commit.

    2. When it comes to innovation, customer is not always right. Let’s face it…do they really know what they want next?

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

It's 2011, do you know who your customers really are?

How is the “New World Strategy” any different?  Think about how “which customers” and “which needs” are constantly changing. Women are now majority of the work force…for every 2 men that get a college degree, 3 women do the same….1/3 of US population is non-white….1 out of 4 kids being born in the US will have a parent who is an immigrant….

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Negating Stereotypes: More Immigrants = Less Crime

In the wake of Arizona’s passage of SB1070, the toughest state ban on illegal immigration to date, Wadsworth’s research finds that cities with the largest increases in immigrants from 1990-2000 experienced the largest reductions in violent crime. 

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Negating gender stereotypes

We’ve all heard Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. We stereotype genders, and get stereotyped ourselve, more than you can imagine. There are many theories, articles and books – many scientific – that claim women’s brains are clinically different from men’s. Many attempts to rationalize why women and men behave and react differently. But Why? 

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Working Women, Working Force

Men work. And so do women. So why do we talk about “working women” and not working men? It’s not that there are more working men than women. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics April 2010 report, women hold 49.8% (130.2 million) of the jobs in the U.S. That’s about as close to a 50-50 workforce as possible.

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Women Are Entrepreneurs

Women start 70% percent of all new businesses and, since 1987, the number of women-owned businesses in the U.S. has doubled while revenues have increased five times.Today, women-owned companies account for 40% of privately held companies. A woman owns one in five of all companies in the country with revenues of $1 million or more.

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Do You Really Know 20-somethings?

Few of us remember our teen years fondly. It’s a time of pimples, raging hormones, fights with parents, and urges to belong.  All those feelings of insecurity coupled with a sense of invincibility has a clinical diagnosis called adolescence……

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Economic Impact of Women Owned Businesses

The significance of the total amount of economic impact – $2.8 trillion – once again proves that women-owned firms are not a small, niche market, but are a major contributor and player in the overall economy. We often hear that small businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy, but ….

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Influx of Immigrants – New People, New Customers

Immigration to this country, both legal and illegal, is at an all time high. As people pour in from other countries, settle, and begin to build their lives, companies must understand and embrace the cultural differences, and emotionally connect in order to be relevant and effectively communicate marketing and branding messages.

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Who we are - our five new realities

Much has been written about the baby boomers and the affect their retirement will have on society and the work force…and certainly marketing strategies for the brands and corporations…..

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Who are Early Adopters?

Early adopters are defined as the first consumers who use or buy a product…. those who absolutely must have the latest product, technology, look and lifestyle.  They take their self-appointed roles in society very seriously, 

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Facebook and Social Media

Companies are becoming more aware of the impact of social media in people’s lives and seeking professionals savvy in social media strategies. Social media has traditionally been a way of life for the younger generation, but we see more and more people of all ages engaging in social networks…

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Farnaz Wallace Farnaz Wallace

Redefining Our Cities

Most companies and marketers obsessively examine demographics and trend shift data to make their strategic decisions in a linear fashion. Often, we forget to research and examine realities that redefine who we are.…no one is defining realities based on social and cultural change…

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